ONE SKY Academy | Accademia UN CIELO uses all means of art and knowledge to promote international understanding and the idea of an open society. The founders of the ONE SKY academy | ONE SKY academy are driven by an enlightened sense of responsibility to empower all people to shape the future in constructive cooperation.
ONE SKY academy mobilizes the forces of art with those of reason in an innovative way against all reactionary and totalitarian trends, concepts and ideologies. In an artistic and playful approach to the realities of this world, visions of the future emerge.
For this reason, the ONE SKY | academy describes itself as.
the new academy of ART for PEACE, FREEDOM and sustainable PROGRESS.
In ancient Greece, the philosopher Plato invited his peers into the garden of his home for a free exchange of ideas in order to gain knowledge and find truth. Like this first academy, ONE SKY academy does not see itself as an educational institution with face-to-face teaching and the awarding of standardized diplomas, but as a place where citizens, artists and intellectuals come together to explore and develop a deeper understanding of an increasingly confusing world.
The ONE SKY Academy is therefore an academy for everyone: for non-academics and academics, for non-artists and artists, for residents of Piazza Armerina, Sicily, and for international participants or visitors.
ONE SKY Academy is based in Piazza Armerina (EN) in Sicily.
Piazza Armerina is at the center of Sicily and Sicily is at the center of the Mediterranean Sea, which unites and divides Europe, Africa and the Middle East. What place could be more perfect for this academy!
With its projects and programs in the form of exhibitions (painting, sculpture, photography, multimedia), workshops, lectures, concerts, performances - theater, musicals, opera - the ONE SKY Academy hopes to bring the peoples of these regions (Europe, Middle East, Africa) to a constructive dialogue on the common creation of a peaceful, free and progressive future and to nurture this dialogue with novel ideas.
The ONE SKY | ONE SKY academy is thus a place of artistic and cultural appropriation of the world to make it its own in its diversity of what exists and what is possible, so that the seemingly threatening stranger is understood as an inspiring peculiarity.
The academy's ambition is to critically address social discourses or scientific trends, but to affirm the human element against all threats and to focus on the inspiration of human exchange.
The academy's credo ONE SKY | academy ONE SKY:
The world is facing gigantic problems, but they are caused by man.
So they can be solved by people!
Despite all historical, cultural, social and individual differences, all people can unite under this one sky, the only sky.